Tue 21 Jan
Looking for a good time I'm always available I'll make all ur fantasy's come true💋❤ - 24
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati/Western hills)
❣️BLOND£S DO iT B£TT£R❣️ Flirtatious&Fun; 💦👅 DONT MiSS OUT 💃🏼 UPscale PlayMate💋💄👠🎁 - 19
(Cincinnati, Your House💋)
👄💄👠💅 "Tiara" NEW IN TOWN. ARRIVING NOW 💅👠💄👄 100% upscale YES I'm real🍭🍭 - 21
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati and surrounding Areas)
~STOP!~ AllUNeed Thick, Busty&Hot;~Steamy Specials 90hhrDay&night;! ~ ♡KIARA, 5☆reviewed!~ - 28
(Cincinnati, 513-390-4660 Cincinnati close to downtow)
So Many ChÕIc€S ♥BUT NÕN€♥LiK€ ME✔✔ThE PeRFecT ✘✘ TrEat - 23
(Ashtabula, Athens, Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, in/out available)
_____ SEXY & SWEET. _______ SO..... WHEN ARE WE GONNA MEET? - 23
(Cincinnati, your residence or hotel OUTCALLS ONLY)
L❦ ‿ ❦K ★★★★★dOwN RiGht DeLiCiOu$ & seeking upscale gentlemen!★★★★★ !! YOUR NAUGHTY LIL' SECRET! ;) - 25
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati/ Kentucky)
ill Leave You Satisfied And Coming Back For More - 30
(Cincinnati, Cincy/ Tristate Incall or Outcall)
Im Th ( xOTiC ~ CuT! ) U WiSh £iVd NXt DooR ★iTs PlA¥TiM:).... - 27
(Cincinnati, Cinnati/Newport)
60hh 120hr** come on over** 8597390416** for a time that's going to please u** - 25
♥♥$80 An Awesome Experience♥♥$120 Full Hr Special 513 362 0606 100% Me Or Free - 25
(Cincinnati, colerain/white oak incalls)
$100hhrSpecial…All night/Springdale Cincinnati area - 25
(Cincinnati, Springdale Cincinnati Fairfield area)
💰4️⃣0️⃣ Specials‼️‼️ I Do What She Won't & Enjoy It 😊😊 Mz. Monroe Thick🍑🍑 Chocolate 🍫 Ebony Princess 4U‼️‼️ - 28
(Cincinnati, Downtown Cincinnati)
Fri 10 Jan
***HOT HOT HOT HOT Foreign IndePenDenT B*o*m*b*s*h*e*L*L* Let's make it even hotter this Summer! 🔥🔥🔥 - 24
♥♥ NaUgHty CaNYLaNd♥♥ 🍫🍬🍭 Cravings? Dare you to INDULGE .. Italian Treat🍫🍬🍭 - 25
(Cincinnati, Cincy&Nky; (in&out;) ALL HRS)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
FUn SiZe EbonY HOTtie With A BOdY 🙊 Dont Miss Out 💁AVailable NOW !!! - 24
(Cincinnati, Down Town COVINGTON KY)
Giving you what you want and need is what we love to do! - 32
(Cincinnati, Tristate, Nky (Incall & Outcall))
Sun 05 Jan
40 $pecial$ 💟 pink aka Ryder 💟 great reviews 💛 incalls 💜 available now 💚👍👍💋💋💋 - 40
(Cincinnati, North side of cincinnati)
*** WANNA Have SUM Real ADULT Fun WITH A SMOKIN Hot VIXEN? *** DANI 5133997509 *** - 28
(Cincinnati, NKY)
🎀❤Pretty Face❤❤❤❤❤Fat Azz ♥❤❤❤❤Skillz of A P⭕rnst@r ❤❤❤❤❤❤&❤Clean ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ - 22
(Cincinnati, outcall cincy area)
Sat 04 Jan
WaRnInG °o★©•° ❀EXTREMELY °•★•° ADDICTIVE★ •:*¨¨*:•.I'M ★ALL★ U ★NEED!! Incall only!! - 26
/////// ////// Enjoy ///// ///// the ///// ////// pleasures ///////// ///////// - 23
" IF you WANT to FEEL a TINGLE HOLLA at SWEET N SEXY for a MINGLE" SPECIAL Today Make sure to call ! - 24
🍒🍒Come enjoy a Toe Curling Experience with Bree & Aleah🍒🍒Two Girl Specials Available!!🍒🍒 - 27
(Cincinnati, Mt Lookout (incalls) & outcalls all over)
*angel*is my name and pleasure is game calll me anytime*513-372-0261*this is the real heaven!!!!!!!! - 27
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati oh and ky area)
Fri 03 Jan
~*~*~£OV€LY °^°LEAH~*~*~ $W€€T°^° $€×Y°^°FUN**!!! REAL PICS REAL FUN !!! - 23
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati North route 4)
* L {☆} {☆} K ~ { Brand NEW } _SexXy Body_ *AVAILABLE NOW!*°°$$$ {May MaDNeSS} * - 24
😘💋ClEvELanD's BeSt KePt SeCrEt!Catering to OuT Of TOWN GeNtLeMeN😘💋 - 28
(Cleveland, Brookpark airport)
Thu 02 Jan